Full Spectrum CBD+THC: Uses, Benefits, and Considerations

 Full spectrum CBD contains all the naturally occurring compounds found in the hemp plant, including THC. While THC is the psychoactive component in marijuana, full spectrum CBD oil only contains trace amounts that are non-intoxicating. There is growing interest in the potential therapeutic effects of combining CBD and THC. Here’s an overview of how full spectrum CBD+THC works, its proposed benefits, and important considerations.

What is Full Spectrum CBD+THC?

Full spectrum CBD or whole plant CBD contains all phytochemicals naturally found in cannabis, including cannabinoids like CBD and THC, terpenes, flavonoids, and other plant compounds. Legally, full spectrum CBD can contain up to 0.3% THC, an amount that will not cause impairment. While THC levels are low, the presence of multiple cannabis compounds may contribute increased benefits, which is known as the “entourage effect.”

Potential Medical Benefits

Studies indicate combining CBD and THC may provide enhanced therapeutic effects for certain conditions compared to either cannabinoid alone. Proposed synergistic benefits of full spectrum CBD with THC include:

 Improved pain relief for conditions like arthritis, cancer, and neuropathy

Reduced inflammation associated with autoimmune disorders

Antiemetic properties to help curb chemotherapy side effects

Neuroprotective benefits in neurological diseases

Better sleep quality and anxiety relief

Increased appetite stimulation

However, large-scale human research is still limited on full spectrum CBD with THC. Talk to a cannabis-educated doctor about potential uses.

Considerations Before Using

 While full spectrum CBD with THC shows promise, there are important considerations before use:

It remains illegal federally and is only permitted in certain states. Check local laws.

It can potentially trigger positive drug tests due to THC traces.

It may cause minor impairment if higher THC thresholds are exceeded.

It is not recommended for children, teens, pregnant women, or those at risk for psychosis and addiction.

Dosing CBD+THC requires careful medical guidance due to THC’s potentiating effects.

Side effects like drowsiness, nausea, and irritability are possible but usually mild.

Discuss using full spectrum CBD+THC with your physician to weigh potential benefits against any risks based on your health history and needs. Proceed cautiously under medical supervision.

The Future of Full Spectrum CBD+THC

Early research on full spectrum CBD with low levels of THC is promising for certain chronic health conditions. However, high quality clinical trials in humans are still needed to better evaluate efficacy, safety, and optimal medical uses. As legal barriers lift and public perception shifts, interest in full spectrum CBD+THC therapeutics will likely continue growing. But consulting medical experts remains vital for guiding appropriate usage.

How is Full-Spectrum CBD Made?

Full spectrum CBD oil comes directly from the hemp plant. It contains the original profile of cannabinoids, terpenes, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found naturally in hemp. Full spectrum CBD goes through an extraction process that retains all these beneficial compounds as well as up to 0.3% THC, the federally legal limit. This distinguishes full spectrum CBD from broad spectrum and isolate products.

How Does Full-Spectrum CBD Work?

The variety of plant compounds in full spectrum CBD oil, including CBD and THC, are believed to work synergistically through the “entourage effect”. This proposes that the compounds have greater therapeutic benefit together than isolated. While research is still emerging, the entourage effect may account for full spectrum CBD’s proposed enhanced effects for issues like pain and inflammation.

Potential Benefits of Full-Spectrum CBD

Studies indicate full spectrum CBD with THC trace amounts may offer certain advantages over CBD isolate:

Better pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties

Reduced anxiety and nausea

Neuroprotective benefits

Improved sleep quality

Increased appetite stimulation in conditions like cancer

However, large scale clinical research is still needed on full spectrum CBD+THC therapeutic effects.

Risks and Side Effects of Full Spectrum CBD

While generally well-tolerated, potential side effects of full spectrum CBD with THC may include:

– Lightheadedness
– Dry mouth
– Drowsiness
– Nausea
– Changes in appetite and weight

Full spectrum CBD may also trigger positive drug tests. Those at risk for psychosis or addiction should avoid THC-containing formulas. Discuss potential risks with a medical professional.

Who to Speak With About Using Full-Spectrum CBD

It is important to speak with a doctor knowledgeable in cannabis applications before trying full spectrum CBD with THC. They can review your health history and advise if full spectrum CBD+THC is appropriate. They can also guide target dosing and track effects. Seek medical cannabis health professionals where legally permissible.

CBD and THC Differences and Benefits

CBD is non-intoxicating while THC causes the high feeling. CBD may counteract some unwanted THC effects. While both have therapeutic potential, early research indicates they may work better together for some conditions through an “entourage effect”.

Does CBD Work Without THC?

CBD provides benefits without THC, especially at higher doses. However, some research suggests CBD+THC may potentially offer greater relief for issues like pain and inflammation at lower doses than CBD alone. More studies are still needed.

 Where to Buy Full Spectrum CBD+THC

Reputable dispensaries in legal states carry quality full spectrum CBD+THC tinctures, oils, edibles, topicals and more. Legal medical channels provide safest access to lab-tested products. Further federal legalization will increase accessibility. For now, options remain limited in most areas.

Full Spectrum CBD Products and Usage Considerations

Full spectrum CBD contains all the natural compounds found in the cannabis plant, including a legal limit of 0.3% THC. While research is emerging, full spectrum CBD shows promise for certain uses thanks to the “entourage effect”. Here are some top products, buying considerations, and common FAQs.

Best Full Spectrum CBD Oils

When selecting a quality full spectrum CBD oil, look for:

Organic hemp sourced from U.S. farms

CO2 extraction for purity and safety
3rd party lab tests available
USDA organic and non-GMO certifications
Natural flavor options like citrus, mint, or unflavored

Top picks: Lazarus Naturals, CBDistillery, Kanibi

Best Full Spectrum CBD Topicals

For topical CBD creams and balms, choose:

– All-natural ingredients free of fillers
– Soothing extracts like menthol or camphor
– Effective for pain relief and skin health
– Third-party testing for potency
– Value pricing on larger sizes or bundles

Top options: Aspen Green, CBDistillery, Charlotte’s Web

Best Full Spectrum CBD Gummies

When buying CBD gummies, look for:

– Low sugar and calories
– Delicious natural flavorings
– Precise CBD doses per gummy
– Non-GMO and organic ingredients
– Competitively priced bulk options

Top gummy brands: Cornbread CBD, PlusCBD, Charlotte’s Web

How Does Full Spectrum CBD Work?

The diversity of cannabis compounds including CBD, THC, terpenes, and more work together synergistically to potentially heighten therapeutic effects like pain relief. This is known as the “entourage effect” and accounts for full spectrum CBD’s proposed benefits over isolates.

Is Full Spectrum CBD Better Than Other Types?

Full spectrum CBD may offer advantages over broad spectrum (THC-free) or isolate CBD for some people and conditions, especially at lower doses. However, more research is still needed to confirm this proposed “entourage” benefit.

Is Full Spectrum CBD Safe for Everyone?

Full spectrum CBD containing THC may not be advisable for children, teens, pregnant women, or those at risk for addiction and psychotic disorders. Talk to a medical professional about whether full spectrum CBD is appropriate for you.

Does Full Spectrum CBD Have Psychoactive Effects?

While full spectrum CBD contains a trace THC amount (up to 0.3%), it is non-intoxicating and will not cause impairment. However, some users report subtle mood/cognitive changes. It is unlikely but not impossible at very high doses.

Additional Full Spectrum CBD FAQs

Does it cause drowsiness?** Yes, it can. Sedation is a possible side effect. Start with low doses first.

Is it good for anxiety?** Early research shows promise for anxiety but more study is needed.

Can it trigger drug tests?** Possibly. Even legal THC traces can sometimes produce positive results.

Discuss starting full spectrum CBD with your doctor, especially if taking any medications or have health conditions. While a promising therapeutic option, more clinical research on its benefits, risks, and drug interactions is still needed.