CBD and Your Immune System   The Research and Recommendations

The use of CBD, or cannabidiol, has grown increasingly popular in recent years due to its touted health and wellness benefits. One area of particular interest is the effect of CBD on the immune system. Researchers are working to unlock how CBD interacts with the immune system and what potential benefits this could have for certain conditions.

What research has been done to show the effects of CBD on the immune system?

A number of preclinical studies involving animal models and cell cultures have shown that CBD can impact immune system responses and inflammation in a variety of ways. Here is a summary of some of the key research to date:

2020 review in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity examined studies on CBD and immune system functioning. It found that CBD can regulate both pro- and anti-inflammatory responses in animals based on the specific conditions present. The authors concluded that CBD has potential immunomodulatory effects but more research is still needed.

A study published in 2019 in Molecules gave CBD to mice with autoimmune hepatitis. CBD treatment reduced liver inflammation and fibrosis in the mice by suppressing inflammatory proteins and genes. This suggests CBD could help suppress autoimmune conditions.

Research from 2011 found that CBD suppressed hypersensitive immune responses in mice with allergic airway inflammation. The CBD treatment resolved the inflammation by suppressing immune cell activation and migration.

Cell culture studies have shown CBD can reduce the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from activated immune cells. This indicates CBD may be able to calm overactive immune responses. However, this has not yet been verified in living models.

While these preliminary studies show promise, high-quality human clinical trials are still needed to fully understand CBD’s effects on immunity in living humans. But the research so far provides evidence that CBD may help regulate immune functioning and inflammation.

What is the recommended dosage of CBD to help support your immune system?

There are no official guidelines for taking CBD specifically to support immune functioning, given the lack of human research in this area. Dosage can vary substantially depending on the use and individual factors like body composition and prior CBD experience.

Some general dosage recommendations based on available evidence:

For systemic immune support, doses of 5-20 mg CBD per day taken orally (e.g., tincture, capsule) may provide benefit based on animal model studies. Start low and increase slowly over several weeks to find the optimal dosage.

For targeted relief during immune flare-ups or autoimmune episodes, higher oral doses of 50-200 mg CBD per day have been shown to reduce inflammation and immune overactivation in research.

Topical CBD products like balms and creams containing 5-15% CBD may help manage localized inflammation when applied to the skin. However, absorption is much lower compared to oral CBD so effects likely remain localized.

It’s important to talk to a doctor experienced with CBD to provide guidance on dosage and monitoring any interactions with medications or health conditions. Work closely with them to find the optimal dosage for your needs. Always start low and slowly increase dosage over time.

Does CBD have any long-term effects on the immune system?

There is no evidence at this point that CBD causes any long-term negative impacts to immune functioning when taken appropriately at regular dosages. However, data is lacking on CBD’s long-term effects given how recently it has entered widespread use.

Based on what we know so far, it appears CBD supports immune homeostasis rather than immunosuppression. This means it helps rebalance an overactive immune response but does not dampen normal immune functioning over time, based on animal studies.

For example, research shows CBD does not decrease important immune cells like T cells and B cells or prevent immune activation when needed. Chronic users have not reported higher incidence of infections or illness. This suggests CBD can be taken safely long-term without immunosuppression.

However, human clinical trials over extended periods are still needed to definitively confirm there are no negative immune effects with prolonged CBD use. It also may impact individuals with compromised immune systems differently. Always consult a doctor when adding CBD to your health regimen to monitor your immune health over time.

Are there any specific conditions that CBD can help to improve when it comes to the immune system?

A few conditions that may potentially benefit from CBD’s immunomodulatory effects include:

Autoimmune disorders: CBD may help regulate immune functioning in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Human clinical trials are underway examining CBD for these conditions.

Allergies and asthma: By reducing immune overactivation and inflammation in airways, CBD may help manage allergic responses and asthma attacks. This could supplement other allergy treatments.

Skin conditions: Topical CBD shows promise for reducing immune overactivation and inflammation underlying conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Chronic pain and inflammation: By disrupting pain and inflammation pathways, CBD may help manage chronic inflammatory conditions like neuropathic pain and arthritis.

Anxiety and sleep disorders: CBD may indirectly support immunity by reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality, as poor sleep and chronic stress can suppress immune functioning.

However, more high-quality human studies are still needed to confirm whether CBD should be recommended for these specific immune conditions. Work closely with a healthcare provider when considering CBD for any immune-related condition.

Are there any side effects associated with CBD use in relation to the immune system?

According to studies so far, CBD appears relatively safe for the immune system when used properly at regular dosages. Some minor side effects can occur, including:

Drowsiness or fatigue, especially when taking higher doses

Diarrhea or appetite changes

Dry mouth

Dizziness or headaches

These typically resolve quickly and can be managed by lowering dosage. It is still possible CBD could negatively interact with other medications or health conditions, so discuss using CBD with a doctor first.

There are a few specific precautions around CBD and immunity to keep in mind as well:

Avoid CBD if taking immunosuppressant medications, as CBD could potentially increase their effects

Start with low CBD doses if you have a compromised immune system to monitor any potential further immunosuppression

Use caution combining CBD with other anti-inflammatory supplements or herbs as they could have additive effects

With appropriate precautions and dosage, CBD appears relatively safe for long-term use related to immunity. But individual factors can impact reactions to CBD, so work closely with a knowledgeable healthcare provider.

What health benefits do you get from CBD?

In addition to the potential immune-related benefits discussed above, some research indicates CBD may also promote health in other ways, including:

Chronic pain relief: By interacting with endocannabinoid receptors, CBD may disrupt pathways for chronic pain and neuropathy. Human trials show efficacy for pain conditions.

Anti-anxiety effects: CBD has shown ability to reduce anxiety behaviors in animal models. Human trials also indicate it can reduce symptoms in conditions like generalized anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD, and OCD.

Neuroprotection: CBD displays antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the brain and nervous system. It may help with conditions involving brain inflammation like concussions, stroke, and epilepsy.

Improved sleep: Higher doses of CBD have been shown to promote longer sleep duration in humans suffering from chronic insomnia and anxiety. This improves health.

Reduced seizures: CBD has been shown in trials and through anecdotal evidence to reduce seizure episodes for some epilepsy patients. An oral CBD drug was FDA-approved for Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes.

Skin healing: Topical CBD products may help regulate inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis by reducing immune overactivation and inflammation in lesions.

Combating addiction: Early research indicates CBD may help reduce cravings and anxiety for people struggling with different substance addictions. More human data is still needed.

However, most human research on CBD is limited at this time. Always talk to a doctor about whether CBD is right for any specific health condition or wellness goal.


How Does CBD Work?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 100 active compounds found in the cannabis plant called cannabinoids. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates various processes like immune functioning, sleep, metabolism, and mood.

While the exact mechanisms are still unclear, CBD appears to exert its effects in a few key ways:

Binding to endocannabinoid receptors: CBD can bind to and activate CB1 and CB2 receptors that control pain, inflammation, and immune functioning, among other things. This alters signaling to reduce inflammation.

Modulation of neurotransmitters: CBD may impact serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and other neurotransmitter systems in the brain and nervous system. This could underlie benefits for anxiety, seizures, pain, and more.

Interactions with receptors beyond endocannabinoids: CBD may bind to sites like peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, serotonin receptors, and nuclear receptors to induce wider pharmacologic effects throughout the body.

Anti-inflammatory action: Multiple studies have shown CBD can reduce activation of inflammatory proteins and signaling pathways, especially in the immune system and brain. This reduces swelling, pain, and overactive immune responses.

Antioxidant effects: CBD demonstrates considerable antioxidant properties, more potent than vitamins C and E. This minimizes oxidative stress and damage contributing to disease.

The combination of these effects gives CBD significant pharmacologic potential. More research is still needed, however, to better understand exactly how CBD elicits specific benefits in different parts of the body – especially in humans. Despite gaps in current knowledge, the evidence so far indicates CBD holds promise for supporting health and wellness in various ways by modulating the endocannabinoid system.

Finding a Quality CBD Product is Essential

With the rapidly expanding CBD market, it can be challenging to find a high-quality tincture, capsule, topical or other CBD product. Here are some tips for selecting a quality CBD supplier:

Look for organic hemp sourced from U.S. growers to ensure highest quality control. This reduces potential contaminants.

Verify the company uses third-party lab testing to check potency and purity. Reputable brands will provide up-to-date Certificates of Analysis.

Research the company’s reputation and reviews from objective websites to ensure they follow proper manufacturing practices.

Select products like tinctures and capsules made purely with hemp extracts, CBD oil, MCT oil, and other clean ingredients. Avoid unnecessary fillers.

Check that the product has been tested for heavy metals, pesticides, residual solvents, microbiological contamination, and other dangerous compounds.

Pick CBD isolates or broad spectrum products to avoid THC entirely, especially if needing to pass drug tests.

Compare pricing between different brands to find good value. More expensive doesn’t always mean higher quality.

Consider certified organic labels and fair trade practices for more ethical, sustainable CBD production.

With the right diligence, you can find a CBD product from a reputable company that meets your health and wellness needs. Always consult a doctor as well for guidance on using CBD safely and effectively.


The evolving research on CBD and its effects on the immune system shows promising results so far. Preclinical studies indicate CBD can help regulate immune responses and inflammation in various models. This suggests potential benefits for several immune-related conditions, including autoimmune disorders, allergies, skin conditions, chronic pain, and more. While CBD is not a cure-all, the evidence so far points to its ability to act as an immunomodulator and help restore balance within the immune system. For those struggling with an overactive immune system or excessive inflammation, CBD may offer much-needed relief when used at appropriate therapeutic dosages. As with any supplement, discussing CBD use with a knowledgeable healthcare provider is advised to monitor for potential side effects or interactions. But when high-quality CBD extracts are used properly, CBD offers a relatively safe supplemental option for supporting immune health and regulating inflammation. While more clinical research is still needed, CBD holds considerable promise for improving immunity andInflammation based on its demonstrated effects on immune pathways and communications. For those dealing with immune dysfunction, CBD could provide an effective complementary treatment when used responsibly as part of an overall wellness plan.